Nettle Creek Schools is a family of schools and home of the Tigers.

Nettle Creek School Corporation is a family of schools located in Hagerstown, Indiana. In Hagerstown Elementary, you’ll find grades K-6 as well as our preschool program. At Hagerstown Jr-Sr. High School, you’ll find grades 7-12.

Our total enrollment is approximately 1,100 students. Nettle Creek families have found this size to be ideal, as it provides a close-knit community environment while still being able to offer a range of extracurriculars, sports, career programs, and other opportunities for our students.

Even better: The town of Hagerstown provides an entire community of support for the students of Nettle Creek Schools. Our hometown is bursting with pride for the Tigers, as you’ll witness if you attend any athletic event or arts and music program—so get ready to learn the fight song, because:

Win or lose, we’re all for you,

Our Vision

Our vision is to be the preeminent school in Indiana known for its exceptional teachers, empowered learners, and a culture of unrivaled support.

Our Grads Lead Big Lives

There’s a reason we say this small school provides a big experience. Our students have participated in the Little League World Series, attended colleges and universities, enlisted in the military, and established careers in nearly every industry.

Check back to learn more about our outcomes.

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