Tiger Hall of Fame
2016 Inductee Rex Rudicel

REX RUDICEL (1912-2000)
- Birthdate: September 6, 1912 Huntington, IN
- High School: Graduated Huntington High School, Huntington, IN, 1930
- College: Ball State Teachers College, Muncie, IN 1934-1938
- S. in Education 1938
- Graduate School: Indiana University, Masters Degree in Physical Education 1947
- High School Athletics: Lettered in Basketball, Baseball, Football
- Basketball – captain, most valuable player
- All-sectional and all-regional honors in basketball
- College Athletics: Basketball
- Leading scorer for 3 seasons
- Selected to little All-State team 1935-1936
- Selected for Indiana All-State College Basketball Team 1937-1938 (including small colleges and the big 3 – ND, IU, Purdue)
- 1935-19366 Ball State basketball record 13-7
- 1936-19377 record 13-6
- 1937-1938 record 17-4
- defeated IU 42-38, high scorer in the game and
- only Ball State basketball victory over IU ever
- Baseball all 4 years, leading hitter for 3 years
- 1938-1939 – played pro-basketball for Indianapolis Kautskys, part of National Basketball league, forerunner of the NBA
- 1943-1946: Served in Counter-Intelligence, US Army in the Pacific
- Coaching Experience:
- Hagerstown HS 1938-1943, 1946-1948
- Basketball CoachTennis
- track and golf coach
- Muncie Burris High School – Basketball Coach 1948-1970
- Athletic Director 1970-1978
- Also coached track, baseball, golf
- Athletic Honors: Delaware County Athletic Hall of Fame
- Ball State University Athletic Hall of Fame 1977
- Indiana Basketball Hall of Fame 1984
- Family: Married Alice Eileen Hurd 1939
- Two children – Max and Sally
- Two grandchildren, three great grandchildren
- Hagerstown HS 1938-1943, 1946-1948